Are you lonely, or WASTING TIME?
As men and women, we often crave attention from the other sex, simply because we are just human. We want attention, affection, and the physical attributes that come with a relationship. Love is a beautiful and exciting thing, I think we all can agree to that, but when we are not receiving those 3 qualities from someone then we feel lonely and less motivated.
LONELY .. hmmm.
There are two ways you can perceive being lonely. The first way is looking at it as if you have no one to be there for you fulfilling whatever desire you are expecting, which is common for a lot of men and women, especially at night or if you live alone. You can be around your friends and family all day, but as soon as you get in your bed, emotions are created because you are that word ..... LONELY.
Now, the second way to perceive being lonely is a way many people over look. How about you start looking at the word lonely as an abbreviation for, "This is a lot of time I have to myself that I can use to become the person I have always wanted to be, a better me."
Ironically, being alone may cause a lot of pain for some people but it is also a great time to invest in yourself. This is your time to find out hidden qualities you never knew you had, hobbies you enjoy, or just putting in extra time into something you really love. Being alone is not easy but it is necessary and valuable to separate yourself from the world and just take a deeper look within. Do not be afraid to invest in yourself because you will be better and become greater at whatever it is you want, and the chances of being lonely will decrease as you begin to attract others with the same mindset as you. Therefore, your nights and days of being lonely can potentially come to an end just because you took time to invest in yourself and was able to create a better perspective.
I, myself, have been alone sometime and at first I was not a fan of the feeling. It was uncomfortable and it was something I did not enjoy. But once I made that lonely time my work time, I witnessed myself reach higher heights because effort and compassion was an addition to my life. Now, being a lone is something I enjoy. I know it is my opportunity to be better, rather than dwelling on a temporary feeling from someone.
2017, a year I was alone almost every night but consistently put in a lot of work and happened to be successful.