6 Tips For Your Fitness Journey:

Tip #1: Train Your Mind
The hardest part about starting your fitness journey and consistently working out is actually getting up and going to the gym. Once you wakeup and make it to the gym, the hardest part is already done. It will always be a mental battle and that is why you have to train your mind. Convince yourself to get up and make it to the gym or living room. As you decide to commit to a fitness journey its like your mindset has to be altered. You have to always fight that devil on your shoulder that is telling you to stay the same. Your mind has to be stronger than that inner voice that wants you to stick to your old habits. Let your mind be so strong that it always wins the mental battle when your stuck and can't decide what to do. Your mind is so powerful, it can lead you wherever you want to go.
Tip #2: Find Out Your Why
Finding your why might be the most important tip in this process because that will be your motivation to keep going. What is the reason you are on this fitness journey? Why are you doing this? Is it because you want to lose weight? That is what you need to figure out. Your why will be your reminder to not give up. I personally have so many why's so when I get in those moods of not wanting to workout I am easily motivated as I remember why I am doing what it is that I am doing. If your why does not pick you up when you are down then take a step back and reevaluate. Really dig deep and think about why you want to be on this fitness journey and don't forget it. This is

really key and prevents doing things without a purpose.
Tip #3: Create Realistic Goals If you create realistic goals your journey can be mentally easier and it will allow you to focus on what is necessary. I say realistic because it is so important that we are honest with ourselfves and our bodies. A realistic goal can also gurantee success in the healthiest way and thats what we want. Your goals can vary from wanting to tone a part of your body to increasing overall health. Maybe you want to lose weight or focus on a specific part of your body. Whatever your goal is, it is important to have one so you can have an idea of what you are getting youreself into instead of going in circles. If you decide to work with a trainer it will allow them to create a solid workout plan for you. Being honest to ourselves is key.
Tip #4: Don't Compare Yourself "Comparison is the theif of joy," and no lies were told when they said that. We are all differnent people therefore none of our journeys will be the same. Dont compare yourself because it will take away from any progress that you are making and you will always think you are not improving, when in reality you are. We have to take variables like age, race, gender, and body types into consideration. Previous injuries and pregnancies are also factors that seperate us. The best thing to do is focus on yourself and have faith that you will achieve your goals no matter what. Just work hard and have tunnel vision.
Tip #5: Give Yourself Sympathy
I know how eager you are when it comes to getting the results you want but another important part in the process is listening to your body. There will be days when your body is aching or maybe you're just really tired from putting in work. If you get to the point where you feel physically incapable then take a day off. If you decide to have an off day, do it, and don't feel bad about it. As someone who trains hard and consistently, please believe I take my days off from the gym because I am human also. We feel like we have to go 110% all the time but in reality, rest is super important in this process. If you don't give yourself time to rest and recover you will burn out and your body will force you to quit. I can say from experience that it is a terrible feeling when your body shuts down. Listen to your body, give yourself sympathy and don't be afraid to ease up if needed.
Tip #6: Enjoy The Process

Enjoying the process is such an underrated component in not only your fitness journey but in life. The process is where we will make our memories, not at the end. There will be good days and bad days but the most important thing to do is have fun with it. This should not be stressful it should be rewarding. Enjoy it. Listen to your favorite songs in the process, grab a partner, notice the changes in your body and smile about it. During the process is where you will find what type of person you ultimately are. You will figure out what you are good at, what works for you, and what it is that you even like, and all while doing that my advice is to embrace it. Looking back and remembering all the things you went through and how far you've come will never get old. You will love it I promise. So, enjoy the process and dont forget to have fun.