Kindergarten days, matching back packs and lunch pales
Racing to your class dot when you hear the school bells
Teachers telling you to dream big, use your imagination
6 years old thinking of a master plan for your final destination
Middle school rolls around now you hot shit
Trying to accept your identify in a crowd asking yourself “do I fit”
Wanting to blend in but that never was apart of the dream
Wait here’s high school this is the big scene
Not for exposure or the popularity
But the reality of adult hood coming next after the celebration of seniority
Caps thrown in the air, fireworks and balloons everywhere; flowers, happiness, and excitement overwhelming your perspective
4 years later, wondering what your next step is
Maybe you went to college, maybe you didn’t choose that route
But what happened to that dream in kindergarten you were dreaming about
A bump in the road or no desire at all, a dream and some work can lead you to your next call
But once again fitting in the crowd and celebrating was not apart of the vision
All those times you were side tracked and making the wrong decision is the reason you’re at home reminiscing
On the good days when life was so sweet
Being forced to take a nap and now you get no sleep
Now you’re trying to go back hoping you can do it all over
Changing a few things or wishing time went slower
But time is inevitable and we all live the same 24 hours
You gotta dream it, think it, and go get it, and prevent yourself from settling for those part time hours.