Encouragement !
There are some things in life we may take for granted. There are also things in our life that we don't realize play a big effect on the next person. One of those things is called encouragement.
Imagine seeing someone you believe in, wether it is a family member, friend, or someone you don't know, and a few words you told them elevated them to take one step forward in life.
Also, imagine someone telling you a few positive words during a time where you felt stuck or not feeling as confident, and you prevail. That is exactly what encouragement is all about.
Encouragement can take one person from one level to another in just a small amount of words. When you are encouraging others you are subliminally telling people that you care about them and want to see them do better. Seriously, if helping others figure it out or just giving them that push doesn't warm your heart then maybe you just don't care about uplifting others but we all should be open to help the next person.

Encouragement plays a big part in my life because I play sports so there is a constant cycle of picking my teammates up. Even if they are having the best game of their life, hearing positive words like "keep going," or "don't stop" is a boost to any human being.
This season we were inconsistent with our in game encouragement and sometimes when people are closed minded, it doesn't matter how many nice words you say to them. They just don't hear it. But when things were going good for us in the game and we were encouraging and supporting each other in a positive way, you can see the domino effect it had on the players.
You probably have people in your life right now who just needs some encouragement. Find that person and help them. Let them know they can do it. Tell them you believe in them. Tell them something that is going to help them take that next step in whatever it is they have going on.
Wether it is about dieting, working out, starting a business, or becoming a new parent. Encourage them to keep going forward and watch how it makes you feel and embrace the fact that you are helping someone. You will always be remembered by the people you've uplifted and spoke positivity into especially if they are beginning something new. The people you encourage will thank you later on.
Thanks again for reading. Please continue to spread love and help each other. It cost you nothing to be a light in someone's life.