If I could summarize my summer in a word it would be perseverance
I went through so much pain but in the end I could not feel it.
Since I returned home from Iran I had the worst plantar fasciitis, which is heel pain
But when it came down to it I was always ready for the game.
The recovery I had to go through was rough and some days I couldn't finish a workout
Some days I couldn't walk so I was trying to figure it all out.
Its very uncommon for me to be dealing with something like an injury
So when I would say I can't hoop today, people knew it was really something wrong with me.
Not only were my feet hurting but I was hurting emotionally
Having troubled episodes and losing friends that I always kept close to me.
Along with losing my friends, I was dealing with a person who didn't serve me
Every day I would sit back and and reflect on how I need to love me.
& then it all happened, I start putting me and my health first
I knew if I didn't stop the bleeding now, it would only get worse.
I accepted how people were treating me and I moved around
Every day I did a little more recovery without making a frown.
I focused on me and things start to feel better
I wasn't so stressed or mad and my jumper was getting wetter.
Morning workouts were no longer hurting me, I was getting it done
& when they announced the MVP of the pro am, I was the one who won.
Man that was such a great feeling because I knew everything I went through
There will always be a bunch of adversity but you can't ever let it stop you.
I found happiness and my feet have been feeling back to normal, I can't explain how that feels
but when you persevere through all the obstacles, and win in the end, then you know its real!