Truth is ...
The truth is something everyone wants but not many can give
It can be a harsh reality but being truthful with yourself is the best way to live
As you continue to be honest with the person in the mirror it is natural to seek it in others
But after a lie is when you finally see someones true colors
Its hurts how dishonesty can change your whole perception of someone
One minute you're full of them and in one moment you're done
Friendships, relationships, and even family
Our expectations for certain people may not match their real energy
Though we may not always get that truth we are craving
Its better to move around instead of staying in the mist where the truth doesn't exist
Except the need to want to know what's real is hard to resist
But realistically when people lie it has nothing to do with us
It has everything to do with them and quickly we recognize who we can trust.
Your truth will always be respected because it was honesty
Ill never understand how the ones I cared about the most were the ones who lied to me.